Publications about VideoCAD


Publications in English:

"CCTV Design & Modelling Software". Press release of SGW International Security Consulting Company 11/2021 (UK)

"VideoCAD for professional CCTV system design"(Vlado Domjanovski). An article in the"CCTV-Focus" magazine #28/2004 (Australia)

"The principles of CCTV design in VideoCAD". An article in the"CCTV-Focus" magazine #36/2006 (Australia)

A feedback of VideoCAD on the"The security professional" site

"Professional design of CCTV systems". An article in the "Automated Buildings"

"Looking at a Clearer Picture of digital video" (Bob Dolph). An article in the "Security Sales&Integration" magazine

"CCTVCAD Software releases VideoCAD 2.0". An article in the "Security Park"

"Professional design of CCTV systems". An article in the "Security Park"

"New package allows VideoCAD users to import 3D models from 3DSMAX to VideoCAD". An article in the "Security Park"

"Network bandwidth and storage space calculator for IP video sistem design". An article in the "Security Park"

"CCTVCAD Lab Toolkit measures parameters of various CCTV equipment for reliable CCTV design". An article in the "Security Park"

"VideoCAD ~ a NEW 3D tool for EASY system designs". An article in the "CCTVINFO.COM"

"VideoCAD 6.0 is released!". An article in the "CCTVINFO.COM"

"VideoCAD for professional design of CCTV systems". An article in the "CCTVFORUM.COM"

"Implemention principles of the project management by a security systems design." (Josef Reitspis, Gabriela Kormancova, COMMUNICATIONS, 2008).

"Sensor Placement Tool for Rapid Development of Video Sensor Layouts" (Tyler W. Garaas, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc., 2011).

"Evaluation of the Video Content Analysis applicability by risk level" J. Sevcik INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT Issue 2, Volume 7, 2013.

School Design Guide. Los Angeles Unified School District. January 2010

School Design Guide. Los Angeles Unified School District. Design Standards Department. March 2012

Brochure of Opengineering company. Italy, Rome 2011


Publications in Russian:

"VideoCAD - programma dlja professionalnogo proektirovanija televizionnjh sistem". An article in "CCTV-Focus" magazine #5/2004

"Zony obzora videokamer" (Jury Gedzberg). An article in the "Security bridge" security portal

"Osnovy raboty v VideoCAD. Chast 1". An article in "CCTV-Focus" magazine #2/2006

"Osnovy raboty v VideoCAD. Chast 2". An article in "CCTV-Focus" magazine #3/2006

"Trehmernoe modelirovanie v VideoCAD". An article in "CCTV-Focus" magazine #6/2006

"Osveshenie i chuvstvitelnost kamer v VideoCAD". IT & Security NEWS N28/ January-February 2013

"Videonabludenie za dvijushimisja objektami". IT & Security NEWS N29/ March April 2013

"Pikseli vmesto TVL ili komu eto meshalo" (Valdemar Fialka, translation from Polish). IT & Security NEWS N29/ March April 2013

"Lens distortion in video surveillance systems" (Stanislav Utochkin). Algoritm Bezopasnosti magazine N5 2015

"Videonabludenie. Exkursia po grabliam". Electronic book by Vladimir Potapov 2011

"Zashita supermarketa ot vorovstva". Electronic book by Vladimir Potapov 2011

"Komputernye tehnologii v proektirovanii sistem kontrolya objectov". (A. A. Chepushtanov, A. B. Klushnikov, M. A. Mamedov) I.I. Polzunov Altai state technical university 2008

"PREIMUSHESTVA SREDY PROEKTIROVANIJA VIDEONABLUDENIJA VIDEOCAD". (I. I. Lyshenko) Processing of the international sceintific conference "Problems of Present Day System Engineering" 2010;

"O SREDSTVAH PROEKTIROVANIJA SISTEM VIDEONABLUDENIJA ". (N. B. Sokolova) Siberian State Industrial University 2010;

"Televizionnye sistemy bezopasnosti" Laboratory practical training. (S.N.Jaryshev) St.Peterburg. National research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics 2011;

"Technicheskie sistemy besopasnosti ". Laboratory practical training. (V. M. Login, A. V. Budnik) Minsk. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics 2007;

"Ergonomicheskoe obespechenie sistem, razrabatyvaemyh v srede VideoCAD ". Laboratory work for students. (K. D. Jashin, V. S. Osipovich, V. M. Login, N. V. Sherbina) Minsk. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics 2011;

KANALY SVJAZI SISTEM OHRANNOGO TELEVIDENIJA (K.L. Tjavlovsky, A.K. Tjavlovsky, R. I. Vorobey) Minsk. Belarusian National Technical University 2013;

Systemy videonabludenija. Osnovy proektirovanija. Textbook for students. (K.L. Tjavlovsky, T. L. Vladimirova, R. I. Vorobey) Minsk. Belarusian National Technical University 2012;

METODY I SREDSTVA ZASHITY OBJEKTOV SVLAZI OT NESANKCIONIROVANNOGO DOSTUPA. Textbook for students.. (B. I. Beljaev, T. V. Borbotko, I. V. Gasenkova, O. B. Zelmansky, L. V. Katkovsky , L M. Lynkov, L. L. Utin) Minsk. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) 2011;


"K voprosu o razrabotke metodov proektirovanija sistem videonabludenija pri ohrane objektov bolshoj protjagennosti". (Cherkaev O. A.) Doneck National Technical University

Teaching and methodical manual for the implementation of a course project on the subject "Consumer television equipment" VPO "PVGUS" Togliatti 2013

Sovershenstvovanie tehnicheskoy podgotovki studentov, obuchajushihsja po napravleniju «Informacionnaja bezopasnost» v centre podgotovki Institut bezopasnosti biznesa. (Nevsky A.J.) National research university "Moscow Power Engeneering Institute" 3 international conference ABC 2012 Moscow

Work programme of discipline "Passive security systems/security systems of perimeter"; Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs 2011;

ON INCREASE OF OBJECTS RECOGNITION RATE IN VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS. (O.A. Mamaraufov) Tashkent University of Information Technology. SCIENCE AND WORLD International scientific journal, No12 (28), 2015;

Computer modeling of cctv system on a vehicle service station with using VideoCAD; (by A.G. Pavlik) Belorussian State University of TRANSPORT 2017;

3D MODELING OF THE VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM OF THE TRANSPORT WORKSHOP OF THE ENTERPRISE; (V. G. Shevchuk, associate professor, E.S. Belousova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, B.S. Gantsevich, undergraduate) Belorussian State University of TRANSPORT 2017;

Work programme of discipline "Security technology for customs supervision"; Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs 2011;

Ob osnashenii PCO sredstvami audio- i videonabludenija. Official recomendations P 78.36.029-2014. Department of the Interior of Russia. Moscow. 2014

Catalog of EVRAAS IT company. 2011

"Way to VideoCAD". Blog of CCTV designer Max 2010

"Review of VideoCAD". http://nikitaivanchev.jimdo.com 2014

Overview of CAD systems. Low voltage blog of Evgeny Ozerov 2015;

VideoCAD 8.1 Professional. The first results of using. Low voltage blog of Evgeny Ozerov 2015;

License plate recognition. CCTV design, part 1. Low voltage blog of Evgeny Ozerov 2018;

V. G. Shevchuk, H. S. Belousova, Yu.S. Hantsevich. 3D modeling of video surveillance systems the transportation department of the enterprise. Belarusian State University of Transport 2017.

V.T. Kornienko. Osnovj postroeniya elektronnyh podsistem kompleksnyh sistem besopasnosti. Uchebnoe posobie. Saratov 2018;

Catalog of PERCo company 2010;

Proektirovanie sistem videonabludenija (VideoIntellekt) 2013

VideoCAD 7.0 (Sibirskie informacionnye tehnologii) 2013


APPLICATION OF CAD FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SECURITY OBSERVATION SYSTEMS (A. V. Bakutov). Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs. Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation. Vladimir, 2019

DEVELOPMENT OF VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS. Teaching aid for the implementation of the laboratory workshop on the discipline "Methods of information protection" (Compiled by: Lashchenko IV) SEVASTOPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. 2020

BUILDING VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS USING VIDEOCAD SOFTWARE. D. E. Konovalov, G. I. Seliverstov, Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, the Republic of Belarus, 2023

Publications in Other Languages:

Excellent cycle of illustrated articles about designing CCTV with VideoCAD by Valdemar Fialka (in Polish)!
In the articles VideoCAD tools are described in details, features of designing CCTV systems in schools, detached houses, stadiums, video surveillance on special objects, video surveillance of mass actions, monitoring road traffic are considered in details. Articles are well illustrated.
These articles are published in the Twierdza magazine (Poland) from 2007 up to present time.

For these articles Waldemar Fialka has received Award of POLALARMfor fair and impartial promotion of modern methods designing electronic systems for surveillance, interesting choice of subjects and insightful analysis of the issues discussed in articles written for the benefit of all professionals the security branch”.
These articles in PDF format are placed here thanks to Valdemar Fialka.

"Dobra wiadomosc dla projektantow systemow CCTV VideoCAD wersja 5.0"."Twierdza" #1/ 2007

"VideoCAD wersja 5.0 (cz. 2) Jakie problemy szkoly chca Panstwo rozwiazac za pomoca monitoringu wizyjnego? "."Twierdza" #2/ 2007

"VideoCAD wersja 5.0 (cz. 3) Specyfikacje materialowo-techniczne generowane automatycznie w programie VideoCad Monitoring szkoly"."Twierdza" #3/ 2007

"VideoCAD wersja 5.0 (cz. 4) Monitoring a strzechy"."Twierdza" #4/ 2007

"VideoCAD wersja 5.0 (cz. 5) Monitoring imprez masowych – prawo i technika"."Twierdza" #5/ 2007

"VideoCAD wersja 5.0 (cz. 6) Monitoring miejski – mity i rzeczywistosc"."Twierdza" #1/ 2008

"VideoCAD wersja 5.0 (cz. 7) Monitoring obiektow specjalnych"."Twierdza" #2/ 2008

"VideoCAD wersja 5.0 (cz. 8) Zasilanie systemow CCTV (cz. 1)"."Twierdza" #3/ 2008

"VideoCAD wersja 5.0 (cz. 8) Zasilanie systemow CCTV (cz. 2)"."Twierdza" #4/ 2008

"VideoCAD – nowa odslona"."Twierdza" #2/ 2009

"VideoCAD 6.0 i kamery megapikselowe"."Twierdza" #3/ 2009

"Projektowanie systemow CCTV za pomoca programu VideoCAD (cz. 12) Oko kamery."."Twierdza" #4/ 2009

"Projektowanie systemow CCTV za pomoca programu VideoCAD (cz. 13) Na tropie z VideoCAD-em"."Twierdza" #5/ 2009

"Nowe rozporzadzenie – nowe zadania dla projektantow systemow obiektow sportowych (cz. 1) Stadion z boiskiem do pilki noznej"."Twierdza" #2/ 2010

"Stadion z boiskiem do pilki noznej Porady projektowanie (cz. 2) Stadion lekkoatletyczny"."Twierdza" #3/ 2010

"Stadion z boiskiem do pilki noznej Porady projektowanie (cz. 3) z boiskiem do pilki noznej"."Twierdza" #4/ 2010

"VideoCAD przeciw bylejakosci w monitoringu miejskim"."Twierdza" #5/ 2010

"VideoCAD przeciw bylejakosci w monitoringu miejskim (cz. 2) Ile kamer i dlaczego tyle?"."Twierdza" #6/ 2010

"Jakosc monitoringu Analiza ruchu ludzi i pojazdow"."Twierdza" #1/ 2011

"VideoCAD 7.0 nowa jakosc w projektowaniu systemow CCTV"."Twierdza" #2/ 2011

"Rozporzadzenie, stadiony i VideoCAD 7"."Twierdza" #4/ 2011

"Piksele zamiast TVL, czyli komu to przeszkadzalo"."Twierdza" #4/ 2011

Other publications in other languages:

"PROFESIONALNI DIZAJN CCTV SISTEMA - VideoCAD". An article on the videonadzor.net (Serbia)"

"SW Tools for Projection of CCTV Systems" (Bc. Petr Kadlik) TOMAS BATA UNIVERSITY 2010 (Czech Republic)

"Camera System Design Using Software Tools" (Bc. Martin Rejdi'k) TOMAS BATA UNIVERSITY 2012 (Czech Republic)

Certification of VideoCAD Professional in Brazil 2013 (Portuguese Brazil)


"ESTUDIO CCTV DEL EDIFICIO BETANCOURT" Universidad de Zaragoza 2011 (Spanish)

"Inteligentna analiza obrazów w systemach CCTV – przysz³oœæ czy codziennoœæ?" (A. Popielski) Systemy Alarmowe nr 4, lipiec – sierpieñ 2011 (Polish)

"Kamery z miejskiej autostrady" (A. Popielski) Systemy Alarmowe nr 1, STYCZEÑ – LUTY 2007 (Polish)

"VideoCAD para projetos de CFTV " (Jose' A. Santos - Master Business Security)  Blog of professional security consultant 2011 (Portuguese Brazil)

"Voce^ ja' conhece o Video CAD? " (Tecvia)  (Portuguese Brazil)


See also: Our customers



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