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Left side of the tab


In the left side of the tab you can see and change parameters of any VideoCAD line type.


Up to 2000 types of lines can be used in VideoCAD project.


Parameters in the left side of the tab :


Number - the number of the displayed line type. Each line type has unique number from 1 to 2000.


Name - the name of the line type. The name can be changed.


Style - the name of line style. It can be chosen from the list (Solid, Dash, Short Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, etc).


Shadow - If the box is checked then all constructions made by this line type are considered as obstacles at calculating shadows.


In addition, to make a construction be considered as obstacle in calculation of shadows, it must belong to a layer with the shadows option marked


See also:Shadows,Main menu>View>Calculate shadows for active camera, Main Menu>View>Recalculate shadows,Line type>Shadow, Layers>Shadow, Options box>Miscellaneous>Shadow, Options box>Calculate shadows from 3D models, Current construction parameter panel>3D model>Shadows, 3D Models window>Shadows, Choosing the best place for PTZ (dome) camera, Visualization of the camera control area projections and pixel density within them


Cable - If the box is checked then line segments made by this line type are considered as cables. Their lengths are included in the cable report and PDF report, their names present in the Cable brand lists in the Signal cable and Power cable length calculation boxes.


Screen width  - line width on the screen (pix).


Print width - line width when printing (mm,inch).


Screen color - line color on the screen.


Print color - line color when printing.


Parameters, relating to the 3D tools:


Maximum height - maximum height above the ground of 3D objects, made by the line of this type. Also the height above the ground of 3D models.
Minimum height - minimum height above the ground of 3D objects, made by the line of this type.


Heights can also take on negative values, and at that 3D model plunges under ground.


In multi-level 3D projects the ground height equals to the base height of a layer to which the construction belongs.


It is possible to change the heights on the Current construction parameters panel irrespective of line type.


Color - the color of 3D objects, made by the line of this type.
Reflection - reflection factor of the selected color in illumination modeling.


The reflection factor is calculated automatically and is given for information.

Right side of the tab


In the right side of the tab you can see and change the numbers of line types for displaying the system objects:


View area edges.
View area projection bounds.
Horizontal bounds.
Signal cable.
Power cable.
Person detection area projections.
Person identification area projections.
License plate reading area projections.
Ground indication.
Height indication.
Sharpness area.
Focus plane.
Plane at the hyperfocal distance.
Default line type for 3D models.
Boundary of Built-in IR illuminator.


Don't use the system lines for constructions and change their parameters without necessary. Sometimes it leads to confusion.