
Table of camera models

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Table of camera models

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Table of camera models

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Table of camera models

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The table displays parameters of camera models. Rows in the table correspond to models and columns in the table correspond to model parameters.


To get help for any parameter, select a cell and press F1 or use the Help of parameter (F1) item in the pop-up menu.


Models can be assigned to cameras in the project. As a result of model assignment to a camera, model parameters would be assigned to the camera.


In the table there is a variety of parameters, which is sufficient for description almost all security cameras existing at the moment of VideoCAD creation. Some parameters are used in camera modeling in VideoCAD, the rest of parameters exist only for comparison and for information.

Parameter values can be taken from manufacturers specifications. However, specifications often carry a large advertising load and are not intended for accurate modeling. The values contained in the specifications may be exaggerated or ambiguous. Often the specifications do not specify the conditions under which the declared values of the parameters can be obtained.


At adding new model it is not necessary to specify all parameters, it is possible to set only important for a current task parameters. Unused columns in the table can be hidden. It is possible to create variety of table views with different sets of columns and switch between them.


Search, filtering, sorting of camera models by parameters are possible. These functions make the table suitable for optimal choice of camera models for specific tasks.


It is possible to print or export the table or its separate fragments into formats *.txt, *.csv, *.htm, *.rtf, *.xls.


It is possible to paste fragments from Excel and copy fragments to Excel using standard copying and pasting.

At that the copying cell number and types of data in the copying cells should coincide.


In the table the sums of some parameters are automatically calculated and displayed in the bottom row.


The table of camera models has 2 tabs:


All models


On the tab all camera models, which are available in the database of models, are presented. It is possible to add new models, edit and delete existing ones, as well as to assign models to cameras in the project.


The assigned model will be copied to the Used models tab automatically.


The database file of models on this tab is not included in the project file. It is possible to save the database of models to a file and load from the file.


Used models


On the tab there are camera models, which have been already assigned to cameras in the project.


It is possible to edit models and assign models to cameras in the project. Adding and deleting models from this tab is carried out automatically.


The assigned model from the All models tab is automatically copied to the Used models tab. If the model is not used in the project any more, it is deleted from this tab.


The database of models on the Used models tab is a part of the project. As a result of opening the project on other computer on the tab there will be the same models. You can copy model from this tab to the All models tab.



See more: Table Interface, Tool bar, Pop-up menu, Parameters of camera model.

See also: Import of Camera Models to VideoCAD using MS Excel, Database of real camera models, Adding a camera model to the Camera model database