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Graphics window


PTZ or Fisheye


Click to expand
Click to expand



Position of PTZ  camera


A PTZ camera consists of a base and a moving part. On the Camera Position panel, the angle of rotation of the base of PTZ camera in horizontal plane is set. The moving part can be controlled like a normal camera in the Graphics window,   Camera Geometry  and in the 3D Video.

If the camera is PTZ, the Lens focal length box and the button on the Toolbar are colored Green .


The PTZ Range panel sets the maximum angles of rotation and inclination of the moving part of the PTZ camera.


* Range of change of the lens focal length for any cameras is set via the List / Range string in the Sensor and Lens window.



Below, schematically the PTZ camera and its view area is displayed in two projections.


PTZ camera options


PTZ camera options apply to all PTZ cameras in the project at once.


Full view area - show view areas of PTZ cameras taking into account possible rotation of the cameras. If the checkbox is not marked, view areas of PTZ cameras will look like normal cameras.


Add angles of view - expand the view areas by halves of horizontal and vertical view angles of the camera with the current focal length. If the checkbox is not marked, view areas of PTZ cameras will be limited exactly by the maximum angles of rotation and tilt.



When this checkbox is checked, the sizes of the view areas of PTZ cameras depends on the current view angles, and therefore on the current lens focal lengths.


Limit rotation -  limit rotation and tilt of the moving part of PTZ cameras by the specified maximum angles of rotation and inclination. If the checkbox is not marked,  the base of PTZ cameras will be rotated following the moving part.



PTZ  cameras in the Graphics window and in the 3D World



In the Graphics window, the horizontal and vertical projections of the view area is modeled and the pixel density distribution of the PTZ cameras is visualized. The projection is constructed according to the rule Within projection.



In the 3D World window, the control area of the camera with shadows and the distribution of pixel density are visualized.





The distribution of the pixel density of PTZ cameras depends on the current lens focal length.


The maximum drawing distance of view area projections is determined by the Maximum distance of drawing view area.


In order for a PTZ camera to be drawn in the Graphics window by a special icon or , you must assign this icon when creating the camera or later in the Camera List window. Selecting an icon works regardless of the state of the Fisheye - PTZ - None switch.


Presets of PTZ camera


You can create PTZ camera presets using positions. Positions can be displayed simultaneously in the Graphics window and in the 3D World window. In the 3D Video window, you can display images from positions at the same time with dividing the screen.


For details, see: Active Camera Positions / Multisensor


Models of PTZ cameras


To make a camera model a PTZ camera:


Assign Yes to the model parameter PTZ camera> PTZ so that the camera is modeled as a PTZ camera.
Fill in the values of the limiting angles of rotation and inclination PTZ camera> Max. angles (degree).
Set the range for changing the lens focal length in the List / Range box.
Choose PTZ or auto-dome icon to the model Icon so that the camera is drawn with the corresponding icon or in the Graphics window.



See also: Modelling PTZ camera