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Import cameras




Add (add a new camera with default parameters)

Dupl (duplicale selected row (camera))

Detail (open Camera detail panel)

Delete (delete selected row (camera))



View list

Fit to window

Save view

Show all columns

Ignore hidden columns in calculation






Import cameras


Import cameras from VideoCAD working project into the Calculator. If there are no selected cameras, then all cameras of the project are imported. If there are selected cameras, then only the selected cameras are imported.




Clear the Table of the Calculator. Delete all cameras.





Add (add a new camera with default parameters)


Add to the table a new camera with default parameters. After adding new camera, its parameters should be edited. You can edit parameters right in the table.

To select a cell, click on it. To edit, click on the selected cell once again.

It is convenient to edit several parameters on the Camera detail panel.  Open the Camera detail panel by clicking [+] on the left of the row or by clicking on the Camera>Edit button on the Toolbar.


It is possible to copy cells from other cells or from MS Excel using standard copying and pasting. In this case number and types of copied cells must be identical with the destination cells.


Dupl (duplicale selected row (camera))


Add to the table a copy of the selected row. New camera will be created. Parameters of the new camera will equal to the parameters of the selected camera.


Detail (open Camera detail panel))


Show/hide the Camera detail panel. On the Camera detail panel it is convenient to control and edit parameters of three video streams: Viewing, Recording and Alarm recording.


You can also show/hide the Camera detail panel by clicking [+] on the left of the row.


See also. Camera detail panel


Delete (delete selected row (camera))


Delete selected row (camera).





View – is a set, width and order of visible columns. Views also include the Ignore hidden columns menu item state.

In real projects there is no necessity to use all parameters. At various cases different parameter sets are necessary. You can hide unnecessary columns, place the rest columns in required order and save obtained view. After that at any moment you can restore the saved view, by selecting its name in the View list.


View list


In the list there are all earlier saved views of the table. To restore a view, just choose its name in the list.


Fit to window


Compress/expand visible columns so that the table is placed completely in the window or restore normal width of columns.


Save view


Save current table view. Dialog box will appear, in which you can specify view name. The name will appear in the View list.


Together with column states views include the Ignore hidden columns menu item state.


Show all columns


Show all columns including hidden ones.


To show/hide any particular column:


Click on the black triangle on the top-left corner of the table;
In the appeared menu choose Visible columns;
In the appeared list of all columns check or clear name of necessary columns.


See also: Views


Ignore hidden columns in calculation


If this checkbox is checked, then in the calculation always default values are used for the hidden columns, irrespective of real values in the hidden fields. For example, if the scene parameters are hidden, then always middle values (3) of scene activity and complexity are used in calculation. If B/W and Sound columns are hidden, then all cameras are considered as color cameras without sound traffic.


State of this item is saved and restored together with table structure in Views.




Recalculate all parameters in the table.


The parameters are calculated automatically at any changing parameters. Just in case by clicking this button you can force recalculation.