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 Errors in rendering 3D images

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 Errors in rendering 3D images

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 Errors in rendering 3D images

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The quality of 3D images in the 3D Video, 3D World and 3D Models windows and the speed of its refreshing depends much on your graphics card capabilities. To get maximum realism set the maximum quality of Open GL images.


Starting from version VideoCAD 11, a video card with OpenGL 3.0 support is required.


On some outdated graphic cards visible pixelization, errors and the lack of image are possible. This is not a program fault. Some new graphic cards need an additional setting to get the maximum realistic quality.    

The speed of image updating also depends on the quantity of the displayed 3D models.


If errors are visible on the image in the 3D Video/3D World or the computer buzzes at the 3D Video/3D World displaying, first of all update the graphics card driver to the latest version accessible on the manufacturer website. The drivers which are used in Windows by default as a rule do not support hardware acceleration.


Then try to change Hardware acceleration in the Display Properties box.


Then try to reduce Model space on the 3D modeling tab in the Options box. Try to disable image processing.


If failures or distortions remain, - a more high-end graphics card is necessary for 3D modeling.

For the best quality it is necessary to use a graphics card with OpenGL hardware support.


Redraw speed of the image depends also on number and complexity of displayed 3D models and the size of opened 3D Video.


The speed is considerably decreased when modeling illumination, depth of field exposure, rolling shutter, animation, distortion, gradient. The speed is decreased in a less degree when modeling interlace, using PiP.

Compression modeling and other additional image processing reduces speed to some extend.


It is recommended to enable resource-intensive operations only when needed and disable them during normal operation.

You can quickly enable and disable all image processing with the help of the 3D Video>Main menu>Speed>Disable image processing.

Using the 3D Video>Main menu>Speed>Redraw 3D image only by clicking you can avoid unnecessary redrawing the 3D view.


If the image is redrawn too slowly and that hinder operation in the Graphics window, try to adjust VideoCAD for the most comfortable working on your equipment and your projects:


Mark the Redraw 3D image only by clicking box on the 3D modeling tab in the Options box. After that the image in 3D Video will be redrawn automatically only at activation of cameras. To force redrawing click on the image.


Try to disable image processing. After that the image processing will not be modeled, but redraw speed will increase.


You can increase redraw speed or modeling accuracy using Speed <> Accuracy slider on the 3D modeling tab in the Options box.


If with the 3D Video opened, errors occur, try to switch redrawing in the 3D Video to the common thread by clearing the checkbox Draw 3D Video in separated thread. This would worsen the ease of program operation, but may increase stability.


To simulate long-range cameras with a large focal length, it is required to expand the Space limits and the Maximum distance of drawing view area. The maximum simulation distance may be limited by the graphics card, at long distance artefacts may occur especially on 3D models.

See also: Options box>3D modeling>Redrawing 3D Video. Program speed and system requirements