
Graphics window

Status bar

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Graphics window

Status bar

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Graphics window

Status bar

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See: location of the Status bar


Graphics window status bar is situated in the bottom of the graphics window and consists of 4 parts.


1. The left part is constantly displaying the current coordinate of the cursor relatively to the origin of coordinates.

If the origin coinciding with the active camera is set up, then CAM is displayed at the left end, and the coordinates have the following values:

.If the cursor is in the vertical projection, then it is the distance to the camera location and its height above the ground. If the cursor is in the horizontal projection, then it is the distance to the active camera location in horizontal and vertical.


If there is no active camera in the layout displayed, then the values of coordinates have no sense.


If a special origin is set, then on the left end ORG is displayed and coordinates are displayed relative to the set origin.


The construction coordinates are displayed relatively to the chosen origin of coordinates. The coordinates of constructions belonging to one camera only (focal plane, optical axis, field-of-view size, test object,change view area upper bound) are always displayed relatively to the active camera.


Right click on the left side of the panel opens the origin control menu.


2. The second part displays the name of the active layer with parameter string. Clicking on the second part opens the menu for selecting the active layer, calling the Layers window and moving selection objects to any layer.


3. The third part displays the name of the active camera group. Clicking on the second part of the bar opens pop-up menu for selecting the active camera group, calling the Camera groups window and quickly assigning selected cameras to any group.


4. Various information is displayed on the right side of the Status bar.


When the cursor is over a construction, 3D model or camera, all available information about the object (camera) over which the cursor is located appears in the Status bar.

When moving the cursor nearer to the camera icon the name, model name, basic camera parameters and parameters at near and far bounds of view area projection for a target 1.6 m high (field of view sizes and pixel density at height of 1.6 m, the angle at which the target at height of 1.6 meters gets into the frame, part of the frame in % which will occupy a target with height of 1 6m in height) are displayed. You can see the parameters at near and far bounds of view area projection for the active camera in the Camera Geometry box


With the help of the pop-up menu, you can disable showing unnecessary information.


During using the selection window, the Status bar displays the window dimensions, area and diagonal.


When moving the selected objects, the distance of movement is displayed.


During graphical depth of field calculation, at moving the cursor over view area in vertical projection in the right part of the Status bar, resolution at cursor point is displayed (in LPH).

When moving the cursor over view area in horizontal projection, distance from the active camera and resolution at the point of cursor are displayed.

The resolution in horizontal projection is measured at the height of measuring Depth of Field.


During measuring field-of-view size at a point, when moving the cursor over view area in vertical projection, in the right part of the Status bar field-of-view size at cursor point is displayed.


During scaling, in the right part of the Status bar the current scale factor is displayed.