Using elevation DEM as zero ground

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Using elevation DEM as zero ground

Post by abdulvahit.torun »

Dear All
Can CCTVCAD consider the topography (digital elevation model DEM) as a base hight by introducing topo data as zero ground?

I want to make a IP camera design in a valley where the the base height different so much.

I want to test CCTVCAD to design and model. My aim is doing visibility analysis and determination of blind areas on a topography .

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Re: Using elevation DEM as zero ground

Post by Support »


You can import your topology as a 3D model and place it above the zero ground horizontally. See more
Then you can place cameras relative to the zero ground at different heights. You can set also different base heights for cameras or use layers if necessary. See more
The 3D model can be taken into account when calculating shadows in 2D and 3D, so you can get complex projections of view areas in 2D (in the Graphics window) and 3D (in 3D World window). As well as pictures from cameras in the 3D Video window.
I suppose the 2D projection is not valuable in this complex case, but the 3D coverage calculation capabilities in the 3D World window will be just in demand.

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Joined: 12 Mar 2022, 20:00

Re: Using elevation DEM as zero ground

Post by abdulvahit.torun »

Thank you so much.
For an outdoor CCTV application in a valley requires consideration of accurate elevation data.
The elevation data (digital elevation model DEM) are generally in a one band image format such as TIF where the value represents the height. Such a data is available at Google Earth or the data could be downloaded from a website providing SRTM (30 m or 90 m).
Does CCTVCAD import the TIF elevation data? In general, which elevation data formats are directly imported?
Best regards

Posts: 204
Joined: 07 May 2008, 08:53
Location: Russia

Re: Using elevation DEM as zero ground

Post by Support »

Thank you for the clarifications.
VideoCAD can not import special elevation data formats. So you need to convert the data to any 3D file format supported by VideoCAD. I recommend COLLADA (*.dae) or *3ds.
*.dae file can be obtained from SketchUP.
I did not have expierence in this file convertion therfore I can give common recommentations only.

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