CCTV Design Lens Calculator

Camera parameters

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Camera parameters

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These camera parameters are used in both tabs: View area and Pixel density



Lens focal length (Lens)

Image sensor size (Image sensor)

Aspect ratio

Vertical number of pixels (Vert. pixels)

Angles of view (Ang. H*V*D)

Horizontal number of pixels (H. pix)

Number of megapixels (MP)



Lens focal length (Lens)


The values can be chosen from the list or typed from keyboard, e.g. when using the varifocal lenses.


Choose a value given in the lens specification in this box.


The lens focal length influences all the calculated parameters.


If in lens' specification there are view angles which are different from standard ones, you can choose focal length value in order to get view angles that are close to the angles in the specification.


Usually wide angle lenses have view angles bigger than calculated ones because of the lens distortion.


Selecting fisheye on the top of the list enables modeling a panoramic camera (with fish eye lens). In this case, the lens focal length does not affect the result, as it is assumed that the camera and lens are matched optimally.


In the simulation of the panoramic camera the Lens focal length, Image sensor size, Vertical number of pixels boxes are painted by aqua color, the Aspect ratio box becomes unavailable. Images on the View area tab, in the Field of view in the Pixel density tab are changed.  Structure of the Titles and resolution modeling on the Screen are changed.


Image sensor size (Image sensor)


In the box, you can specify the size of the Image sensor or the size of active area of the Image sensor.


See more: Image sensor and active area of image sensor


The Image sensor size can be specified by any of the following ways:


Choosing a standard format (type) from the list 1/10",1/8",1/6",1/5",1/4.5",1/4",1/3.6",1/3.2",'1/3",'1/2.7",'1/2.5",1/2.3",1/2",1/1.8",1/1.7",1/1.6",2/3",1/1.2",1",4/3",1.5";


This traditional way of setting Image sensor size can be unaccurate for modern cameras.


Entering a custom format in inches, in the form of X/Y". For example: 1/7.31";


Entering diagonal size of the image sensor in millimeters, in the form of dX.Y. For example: d6.0.


Entering sensor side sizes in millimeters horizontally and vertically separated by hash, in the form of W#H.  For example: 4.8#3.6;


After format or length of diagonal, separated by space character, you can specify the aspect ratio of the image sensor in the form of W:H. For example: 1/3" 16:9 or d6 16:9. If the aspect ratio of the image sensor is not specified, it is assumed equal to 4:3. The aspect ratio of the image sensor can differ from the aspect ratio of the output image.


Active area side sizes of the image sensor can be specified in millimeters horizontally and vertically separated by asterisk, in the form of W*H. For example: 4.8*3.6;


When modeling a panoramic camera (with fish eye lens), the image sensor size does not affect the result, as it is assumed that the camera and lens are matched optimally. The aspect ratio of the image sensor affects on the result insignificantly.


Aspect ratio


Aspect ratio of the output image of the camera: 4:3,16:9, 16:10 etc.


The Aspect ratio of the output image equals to the Aspect ratio of the active area of the image sensor and may be different from the Aspect ratio of the image sensor.


You can enter custom values ​​from keyboard in the form of <width> :<height>, for example 11:4.


By specifying formats !4:3 or !16:9, you can specify the so-called corridor format in which the height of the frame is larger than its width.


For correct calculation of pixel density, after changing the Aspect ratio it is necessary to check and adjust the Vertical number of pixels .


You can specify any Aspect ratio value by specifying in the Image sensor size box the size of sensor directly in millimeters, horizontal and vertical size divided by asterix, such as 4.8*3.2. Thus, depending on the ratio of horizontal to vertical size the Aspect ratio will be set at the same time.


If the camera has directly assigned active area sizes, then this box shows 'custom' and it becomes unavailable. To make it available, set the size of image sensor by any way except of direct specifying its active area size.


Separated by space character after the Aspect ratio you can set the crop factor - the ratio of cropping active area size of the image sensor when the active area does not touch the edges of the image sensor. The Crop factor can be set as a vulgar fraction (separated by slash) or a real number. For example 4:3 0.67 or 16:9 720/1080. If the Crop factor is not specified, it is taken to be unity.


See more: Specifying the crop factor


When modeling a panoramic camera (with fish eye lens),  the output image can have unconditioned bounds don't connected with the pixel density, therefore the Aspect ratio of the output image has no sense. The aspect ratio of the image sensor is specified in the Image sensor size (Image sensor) box.


Vertical number of pixels (Vert. pixels)


Vertical number of active pixels used in image formation. This number is used to calculate the boundaries of regions and modeling images on far bounds of regions in the Table of regions and on the Screen.


When you change the value in this box the the Horizontal number of pixels (H. pix.) and the Number of megapixels (MP) are recalculated.


Angles of view (Ang. H*V*D)


Horizontal, vertical and diagonal angles of camera view via asterisks. Shown for information.


When modeling a panoramic camera (with fish eye lens), the field of view is  hemisphere shaped with angle of view of 180 degrees on any direction.


Horizontal number of pixels (H. pix)


Horizontal number of active pixels used in image formation.  It is calculated within the program from the Vertical number of pixels and Aspect ratio.  Shown for information.


When modeling a panoramic camera (with fish eye lens), the output image can have unconditioned bounds, therefore instead of the Aspect ration of the output image the Aspect ratio of the image sensor is used. It Is specified in the Image sensor size.


Number of megapixels (MP)


Number of megapixels used in image formation. It is calculated  by multiplication of the Vertical number of pixels (Vert. pixels) by the Horizontal number of pixels (H. pix).

Shown for information.